Achievement Clicker 2019 FULL Fixed
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Despite that use of videos has been widely studied in the flipped class, the results were inconsistent and the effect of videos on clicker-assisted flipped English class has seldom been explored. Considering the research status quo, research questions are thus raised as: (1) Could the video-clicker-assisted flipped English class cause significantly better academic achievements than the non-video-clicker-assisted flipped English class (2) Could the video-clicker-assisted flipped English class cause significantly higher student interaction, self-efficacy and self-regulation levels than the non-video-clicker-assisted flipped English one (3) Are the post interaction, self-efficacy and self-regulation levels positively correlated with the post English proficiency in both pedagogical approaches In order to answer this question, the pre interaction, self-efficacy and self-regulation levels (pretests) should be equivalent in both cohorts, and so should the pre-CET 4 results (pretests)[32].
Of the many stated purposes of organized educational systems, one that might meet with general agreement is this: to ensure students build abundant learning capacity, achieve ample academic proficiency, and consolidate the requisite knowledge, skills, and aptitudes to successfully address future learning challenges. As computer technologies have transformed nearly every human endeavor imaginable, future learning challenges that students encounter will almost certainly require facility with digital technologies. In the realm of teaching and learning, the average impact of computer technology on student achievement has been both negligible and unchanged, despite astonishing technological developments since the 1960s. 153554b96e