ATC - Around The World (la La La La La) (Extended Club Mix)
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Fantastic music!! Absolutely bloody brilliant!! The song sticks in your head for hours...'lala lalala it goes around the world just lala lalala!! Ok so it lacks any form of intelligence. But wouldn't it be boring if every song ever made was just some person complaining about the depression of losing their all time love!!! So i love this, it is a bit like eiffel 65 but better. It is sooo good i think this should be no1 everywhere!! If you love cheesy pop music, then get this!!
Just la la la la laIt goes around the world, just la la la la laIt's all around the world, just la la la la laAnd everybody's singing, la la la la laAnd now the bells are ringing, la la la la la la la la....
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Looking for a contagious beat that will make you dance all night long Look no further than \"ATC - around the world (la la la la la)(Extended Club Mix)\"! This upbeat and lively track is sure to get your body moving and your feet tapping. What's even better, you can easily get the mp3 download and take the party with you wherever you go! So put on your dancing shoes and prepare to groove to this international hit! 59ce067264