Download I386 Folder For Windows Xp Sp3 Free |WORK|
You can use the same techniques to install the Wadminpak.msi and Adminpak.dll files for the Windows Server 2003 SP2 64-bit Adminpak. You can use the following steps to install them:
Double-click the Wadminpak.msi file to begin the installation process.
Select the languages that you want to install and then click the Next button in the standard dialog box that appears.
Select the installation type, accept the default client configuration settings, and then click the Next button.
Accept the default location settings for the installation files and the configuration files on the computer. Click the Next button.
Under the Select the installation components section, select the Adminpak and Admpak.dll check box and then click the Next button.
Click the button to review the installation components that you have selected. If there are any components that you do not want to install, click the Back button on the standard dialog box or remove the check box from the component.
Click the Install button to begin the installation process.
When the installation is completed, you can restart the computer.
You can download updated versions of the Adminpak.msi or Adminpak.msi and DLL files from the Microsoft Web site by using the Adminpak.msi or Adminpak.msi and DLL files located in the I386 or X64 subfolders of the Administration Tools pack installation media.
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