Signals And Systems Oppenheim Solution Pdf Free Download UPD
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This paper proposes a solution to the sampled-data regulation problem for feedback linearizable n-link robotic manipulators. The prime focus is on the development and stability analysis of the proposed control scheme in the presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances. A major constraint is the availability of sampled measurements of output signal. This leads to designing an impulsive observer for feedback linearization. The discrete-time control input is mapped into its continuous-time counterpart using a realizable reconstruction filter (RRF). The underlying control scheme relies on the sampled-data regulator theory based on the discrete-time equivalence of the plant and RRF modeled as impulsive system. This method leads to controller/observer design in discrete time. The working of the entire scheme is dependent on the stability of impulsive observer; hence a Lyapunov-based stability analysis is also included to ensure the stability of a closed-loop system. The working of the proposed scheme along with a comparison with conventional solution is presented, when applied to the control of a 3-degree-of-freedom PUMA 560 robot. 153554b96e