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If you live in California, the original competition will be held at the Gametwist in San Diego on July 26th. Hideo Kawai of Nintendo and Nintendo of America are looking for good play after this tournament and I am sure they'd like to see some of the people that made the top 8. I can't think of a better way to make friends and have some fun for the weekend. The best part? You can show Nintendo your 3DS. You know, so they can increase the chances of your card being cracked for the tournament the following day.
I am trying to reinitialize my epson stylus color 800. I have made a reset on the program one and it works fine, but when I reset the other one, the result is not good. It looks like the program one is not working.
Well, you do have ink in the tank, so at least it's not empty. From my experience, it's very likely that the printhead has a problem. I haven't encountered an inkjet printer with a tank that would have had that problem in the past. I would start by contacting Epson if you haven't already.
I have just bought a chipless printer the model is the t13 which was used to print a test print and it came out perfect.however when i tried to put in some ink i got a code 11 error,after looking up on the net it says that the printer is no longer supported.Does anyone know how to reset the ink indicators.It wont turn the ink on or off.Help
Hi John... I had managed to convert my epson t13 to chipless but my problem is the ink indicator is still running but not like the ordinary t13 it just like l100 and now is empty and i cannot reset the ink indicator or it cannot reset itself...can u help me who to reset the ink?
The stamp is a fancy word for a marking, and it's commonly found on silver jewelry. The stamp in the picture is stamped on the inside of a ring, where the marking specifies the quality of silver used to make the ring. Most jewelry is stamped with a number, letter, or both. Here are the most common markings. 827ec27edc